While doing the due diligence and trying to set up faxing services for my law firm, I discovered a nifty little comparison website for online faxing for lawyers. Great!
I wanted to share my find with readers of this legal blog.
The fax comparison website is aptly titled www.faxcompare.com. Cool!
The comparison site does a really nice job summarizing different pricing options for online or “e-fax” services. I had heard of E-Fax and they do a really nice job advertising themselves. The E-Fax service also looks great. The problem? It’s more expensive than its competitors. It pays to do a little research.
I ended up choosing Extreme Fax – mainly because it appears to offer the most and it is cheap. I don’t send a lot of faxes, but I have found that many attorneys either (a) do or (b) expect you to have a fax number.
I have also noticed that many online directories and websites that I have been signing up for have requested fax numbers for my new firm. I was getting tired of saying “I don’t have one.” It was kind of embarrassing.
Anyway, go check out the online fax comparison site. I locked in a year’s worth of faxing for about $50.00. If I use the service all the time there is likely going to be a cost; however, I don’t anticipate using it all that much. Scanning and emailing is so much more efficient. Yet, some curmudgeonly attorneys want to fax stuff to me. Now they can.
Happy faxing!
-This post was written by Joseph M. Flanders, a Apple Valley MN lawyer who practices in the areas of family law and estate planning.