I must admit that I am totally new to this whole internet marketing thing when trying to start and build a law firm. I mean, the concept seems simple enough, but where to begin?
As I’ve discussed, I am moving to Minnesota and I hope to start a practice there when I become licensed. I plan to start a law firm and do primarily divorce and family law work while trying to focus on estate planning and probate as time goes on. As I’ve also discussed, I don’t really want to be focused on family law for the long term. I would love to be a successful probate and estate planning attorney, but that kind of work isn’t market driven and I haven’t been around enough to expect any kind of real work coming my way for a while.
But, this post isn’t about my chosen practice area. Instead, I wanted to talk a little bit about my most recent struggles to learn how to internet market when starting a law firm. As an aside, it has been difficult for me to blog or post articles in support of the family law firm I will be starting. This is because I am not licensed in Minnesota yet and I can’t talk about Minnesota law until I’m licensed there.
Therefore, my recent struggles have been strictly related to learning how to internet market. This is a completely new and fascinating world to me. As with so many things, there is a steep learning curve and I am just starting to climb it. I didn’t market on the internet with my old law firm, and, now that I have some more time on my hands, I am just starting to realize what an amazing marketing world is out there.
Here is what I have found so far: there are many solo attorneys out there doing internet marketing. Particular fields that have heavy internet marketing are criminal law, personal injury, and family law. It isn’t that there are lots of law firm advertisements either. No, I am talking about user-generated-content (USG). Oh, you’ve never heard that acronym? Well, neither had I until yesterday. Or, maybe I just revealed how behind the curve I am. USG, in large part, amounts to blogging or other blogging-like activities. Many attorneys out there are cashing in on USG, internet marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
Ok, I realize this post hasn’t been terribly helpful on the internet marketing front, but what I wanted to point out is all of the information that you have to learn when starting a law firm. It is an organic sort of marketing that appeals to the entrepreneur in me. One of the great things about staring your own law firm is the challenge and the new ideas and things you learn in order to plant a seed and make your new law firm grow.